Saturday, January 2, 2010


My hangover lasted a good whole day on the last day of 09.
Ushered in the new year wrapped up in bed nursing a headache n counted down the last few mins with Co over the phone.
It has been a loooooooooonnnnng time since i spoke to a gf on the phone so long lor!
Think last time is secondary 2!!!
That's a good 14 years back!

I guess technology made it too easy for ppl to communicate, wat with facebook, twitter, msn, sms etc.
We tend to communicate while multi tasking, like feeding our Cafeworld, cyber stalking on blogs n facebook... that we dun really concentrate on our conversations?

So there we were, 2 homely girls staying in on NYE talking on the phone cos EVERYBODY is out.
But i found peace for once. ;D

I've also decided to semi-quit the clubbing scene.
Just had A MOMENT when i stood amongst the maddening crowd at the smoking area in Zouk after losing my phone. Kinda(actually Very) smashed n had tunnel-like vision n only smattering vague pieces of memory....
Ppl leaving messages for me on facebook n i'm like ...."did i buy her a Kiss of Death too??", finding out bout my night bit by bit like in the movie The Hangover. -_-"

Argh. I'm also still trying very hard to remember who i had THAT conversation with. I hope I vetted wat came outta my mouth.

Not only that, my party khakis have mostly grown outta it it feels like. They were all like yawning n complaining of spinning heads after a few drinks.
And drinking is expensive.....

So there, a semi New Year's resolution.

1st Jan first thing in the morning, I decided to accept the friends' offer n get a new iPhone.
I'm still feeling post purchase dissonance. ;(
Not only for having to outlay more $$ for a stupid phone, but also for inconveniencing my friends n taking up their time also.
Aiyoh! i dunno how to repay that favour A&C!!

Sinking feeling also when Beng called me n told me his dad was in hospital.
my first thought was "shit! not on the first day of the new year!"

And somehow, I'm excited bout this whole baby thing.
Been a long time since i held a newborn in my arms n coo at the wrinkly little new arrival. :)

Keep being good k?

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